All American Legion Auxiliary Districts in Missouri (17 districts state-wide) schedule a briefing to familiarize delegates and parents about Missouri Girls State. A presentation will be given and a question and answer opportunity will be provided. One of the advantages of this meeting is for the delegates themselves to meet other delegates from their communities. All delegates will receive an invitation from the District Girls State Chairman. However, a conflict may occur and a delegate can not attend her district's briefing. Please contact your chairman if you are unable to attend and arrangements can be made to attend a briefing in another district. It is imperative that all delegates attend a briefing as it provides essential information. A side perk is that most of the briefings provide delicious refreshments. Dress can be casual.
The Girls State Manual
The Girls State Manual is a multi-paged bound book that serves as the textbook and reference book used throughout the entire week of Girls State. All Girls State citizens will receive a bound, 3-holed punched copy upon arrival at Girls State. It will be yours to keep and refer to often. You are welcomed to preview the manual, if you wish, to become more familiar with the Girls State curriculum.
2020 Schedule
Missouri Girls State officially begins with registration on Sunday morning for all delegates and continues through Saturday morning with the final city meeting. Each minute of Missouri Girls State 2020 has been carefully planned and a copy of the schedule is also given to all delegates upon their arrival. The schedule available on the website may not be the final schedule as some details have not been completed or may actually change. However, the Missouri Girls State Committee wants each delegate, if she chooses, to review the types of activities and opportunities that the week contains. Again, this may not be the final version. You will be given a 3-holed FINAL copy when you arrive.