Website Evaluations
None of my evaluators are familier with HTML but they all have a potential interest in Missouri Girls State.
Evaluator A: Lisa (Counselor)
Lisa has been a school social worker/counselor in the same conference where I work. She has since retired but is familiar with the girls state process. She worked in a smaller district than I teach in now and I thought
she would be a perfect person to evaluate the website as someone who has worked in a district with fewer resources. Lisa used Internet Explorer on a Toshiba laptop to evaluate my site.
Evaluator B: Mark (Teacher)
Mark is a high school teacher. He has both junior boys and girls in his class and is a previous attendee of boys state. He is a teacher in my district.
Mark is qualified to evaluate my website because he is a previous attendee of boys state and he teaches high school. He is not only able to help students find the website,
but he is able to direct them to the information they should be looking for as a former boys state attendee. Mark used the school Lenovo desktop with Google Chrome to evaluate my website.
Evaluator C: Bridget (Potential Delegate Parent)
Bridget is a parent of two girls. One of them will be entering high school soon. She also teaches juniors in my district.
The evaluators had very similar comments on the usability of my website. They could access my history section and the eligibility & selection section but the link back to home didn't work.
The picture does not show up on any of the pages either.
Average Scores
Design |
Content |
Credibility |
3.2 |
3.43 |
4.2 |
The reviews I recieved did not surprise me at all. I knew some of my links weren't working and I have been able to fix a couple of the links. I am still trying to fix my image issues.
I want to add more photos but I need figure out one before I try to add more. I found it extremely helpful to hear from different perspectives. Many of the opinions given were very helpful as I continue to work on my final project.